Matches the beginning of the string or line.
Matches the end of the string or line.
Matches the word character or position at the end of a word.
Matches a word character or position that is not at the end of a word.
Makes the expression case insensitive.
Ensures that the expression does not stop on the first match.
If not enabled, line start and end equals the beginning and end of the entire string. It doesn't work for each row individually.
Groups an expression.
References a grouped expression.
Makes a grouping that cannot be referenced.
Matches any character in the set.
Matches any character not in the set.
Matches all characters between two characters, including themselves.
Matches any character except line breaks.
Matches any alphanumeric character. Including the underline.
Matches any non-alphanumeric character.
Matches any numeric character.
Matches any non-numeric character.
Matches any whitespace character.
Matches any non-whitespace character.
Expression matches one or more.
Expression matches zero or more.
Expression matches within specified ranges.
Makes the expression optional.
Or it works like. It waits for one of the expressions it reserved to match.